The transition from the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (CDOR) to the Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA) is beginning this month to ensure a smooth transition through to CDOR’s cessation date on June 28, 2024. TMX and the Canadian Alternative Reference Rate working group (CARR) are hosting a series of CDOR to CORRA Transition Webcasts to inform the market of important facts and dates relevant to investors, issuers, borrowers and financial institutions.

These webcasts bring together panelists from the banking industry and market experts to share their insights and perspectives on the benchmark reform in Canada. The series of webcasts will touch on the various facets of the transition, providing practical advice and guidance to market participants. 

The first webcast was released on January 31 and subsequent webcasts will follow. Topics will include:

Transition Roadmap 

The transition of Canadian derivatives to CORRA 

The transition of Canadian cash securities to CORRA 

Creating an IOSCO compliant Term CORRA rate 

The transition of Canadian loans market to CORRA and Term CORRA 

Unlocking Term CORRA - Methodology, Use Cases, Licensing, and More

PwC and CARR held a CDOR webinar focused on lending and hedging, and the transition away from Bankers’ Acceptance. 

If you missed "Changing lanes: The road ahead post CDOR and BAs", you can now view the recording.


Webcast Series


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Keep abreast of the CDOR to CORRA transition


Following client validation, Montréal Exchange plans to convert all eligible BAX futures to equivalent 3M CORRA futures contracts in Q2 2024.