Copyright © 2024 TSX Alpha U.S., Inc. All rights reserved. TSX Alpha U.S., Inc. a member of FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), and SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation). FOR PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS ONLY – NOT INTENDED FOR RETAIL CUSTOMER USE. The products, services, materials and information listed or provided on this website are for information purposes only. Nothing on this website is intended to provide legal, accounting, tax, investment, financial or other advice and should not be relied upon for such advice. The products, services, materials and information listed or provided on this website are not an invitation to trade securities on the alternative trading system operated by TSX Alpha U.S., Inc. (“AlphaX US”) nor is it an endorsement or recommendation of any security trading on AlphaX US. For more details on the use of this website, please see Terms of Use.
TSX Alpha U.S., Inc. is an indirect subsidiary of TMX Group.
AlphaX US™ is a US equity ATS offering broker-dealers a venue focused on execution performance, customization opportunities, and transparency in executing trading strategies.
AlphaX US™ is excited to collaborate with our participants to provide innovation and seamless integration into their trading platforms.
Key Features
Execution Quality
Find liquidity and opportunities for price improvement.
Ease of Integration
Implement and integrate functionality seamlessly into your trading platform.
Tailored Experience
Customize your trading interactions for an improved experience and increased transparency.
To learn about AlphaX US™ and its trading capabilities,
contact the team at or 332.900.6690.
An ATS with a focus on execution quality and an enhanced participant experience